a woman crying in pop art style stock illustration
a woman's legs with high heels on a white background
a man in a trench coat and a hat
an image of a woman talking on the phone
the kiss by roy lichtenstein
a painting of a woman with her mouth open
the cover of drews chronicles

Welcome to Drew’s Chronicles where I’ll be bringing you the good, bad and the ugly of a middle aged man venting about his dating life and other events. Feel free to submit your dating stories via the email button and i will repost it on this site. Also leave a comment. It’s completely anonymous.

a black and white icon of a finger pointing at something
the word chronicle is written on a black background
a woman in a green top is taking a selfie


a black and white icon of a finger pointing at something

Ms Sexy eyes. So I’m talking to this girl and in this scenario we met online and thing’s we’re going good. After a day or so of chatting we exchanged numbers. Then the infamous first date. We decided to meet up at a bar lounge. I was getting good vibes from her since she wanted to sit in the corner of the spot that was intimate. As we began conversation her eye contact was very intense. Almost intimidating then I remembered she told me she was in pr so her communication skills were way up. I couldn’t get a good read on her intentions for the night. So i was just playing it cool. Looking back on the night perhaps to cool. But boy was she fine. I felt like the man just being in her company. Perhaps I was out of my league with this one.

a woman in a white dress posing for a photo


a black and white icon of a finger pointing at something

Ms.got’um This child had some nerve. But i blame myself for even entertaining this girl. She was a straight meal grab. We met online and made plans to meet at a restaurant. Come to find out this child had a one month old and is out here “dating” again smh. Any way as th e date went on i had noticed that she had clean her plate. Not even the sauce was left. Like she didn’t eat all day, I was taken back. In retrospect I probably should’ve done a better job in vetting her but you live and you learn.

a woman in an orange dress posing for a photo


a black and white icon of a finger pointing at something

Ms fancy so I called her. She was a trip, met online and had a few things in common which was cool. So we planned a date and met up in the city. So you already know $$$. Anyway as we were talking I noticed she had expensive taste and was used to men dropping bank on her. As i was trying to get to know her I was distracted by her ordering drinks like there was free refills. Im not a cheap guy but on a first date it was a bit much. Im thinking to myself imma have to take out a bank loan to get with this girl.

a woman is taking a selfie with a pink lipstick


a black and white icon of a finger pointing at something

Ms.ridiculous. We didn’t even make it to a date, smh. She was just to much. So as we were making plans to meet up for the first time. I planned to take her to dumbo house but first wanted to just get a slice of pizza to feel her out. She was like send her a Uber, I was like ? Why and im thinking to my self is she a escort or something? So at that point i was like chill then she asked where are we going and i replied for a slice of… before I could finish all i heard was click. Then I get this long text about some bullshit I didn’t even read. Life goes on.

a blonde woman with tattoos posing for a photo


a black and white icon of a finger pointing at something

Ms.Cat Fishing. I blame my self on this one, I mean the amount of selfies she had on ig was a bit much. Anyway we went on a date that I should of stopped before it started but she came from upstate away about a hour from NY to see me so I just went along with it. Need I say more on how that date went? Nah just chalk it up to the game. chalk it up to the game.

a woman wearing glasses and a necklace


a black and white icon of a finger pointing at something

Ms.Hot & Cold. The reason I say that is because this one was really going somewhere. Or I thought lol. Where do I begin? So we meet on line and hit things off rather quickly. Went on our first date and things were clicking. Second date comes around and things are still cool. Now here is where things take a turn for the worse. We made plans to go to the movies but we arrived early so decided to get a bite to eat. After throwing down a burger and fries she wants a kiss which I thought wasn’t really the time or place but I obliged. I didn’t think anything of it, the night just went on and I enjoyed her company. Next day I get a text stating the infamous “I think we should be friends” due to the fact there was no passion in our kiss last night. 😕

I was dead. But to each there own, life goes on.

a woman in a floral dress is taking a selfie


a black and white icon of a finger pointing at something

Ms.Trifling. Reason being she was playing hard to get.But when I mentioned I got these yeezy concert tickets, you already know. So as her interest peaked I knew where her intentions for me lied. So day comes and I had this extra ticket that i couldn’t give away for some reason, everyone had plans already. Here comes ms.T so you still going to that show tonight? And I replied yeah you wanna go? Then she hits me with it’s been a long day and im kinda beat but I guess I can go. Lucky me I said to my self sarcastically. I picked her up from the train and we went to the concert. As we were talking I found out that she was a fellow thumb sucker. I thought she was cool she had similar taste in music as me and was cute to boot.

But after the concert I never heard from her again.

a woman in a floral dress posing for a photo


a black and white icon of a finger pointing at something

Ms.Fête. She was a bit young but good energy and loved a good soca party. That’s all she would talk about. We met online and had good conversation. Went on a date dinner and a movie. Had a good time but for what ever reason we didn’t connect. She lived kinda far from me so id chalk it up to that. I wish we had stayed in contact but she wasn’t giving those kinda vibes. But anyway on to the next one.

a woman in a tan leather jacket posing on the street


a black and white icon of a finger pointing at something

Ms.Verified, Reason being she was verified on ig so that must of meant something to someone. She was kinda young but good vibes. Anyway we linked online and made plans to meet up at a lounge in her neck of the woods. I had a good time dancing up a sweat. After that night we stayed in contact for a bit but she was to busy to try and start anything seriously but good peoples all around hope you find that one.

a woman is taking a selfie in a tan dress


a black and white icon of a finger pointing at something

Ms.Princess, Reason being a lot of things were beneath her come to find out. We matched online and immediately made plans for our first date. I planned a picnic in the park. So we met up and went to the supermarket to pick out some stuff to eat on our picnic date. As we sat in the park feeding each other fruits and enjoying each other’s company. After that we laid down on my blanket steering in each other’s eyes,we began to kiss. I won’t go into anymore detail but good times. As we started spending time together I noticed a few things.

Number one she couldn’t make up her mind about anything. She was a workaholic and she over thank things. We met up a fee times after that but thing’s just fizzled out.

a black woman wearing a yellow top with curly hair

Bus Down

a black and white icon of a finger pointing at something

Ms.DC. We met online and after a week of talk and texting we made plans to meet up. She took the bus down from DC to see me for the weekend. I picked her up from the bus station and we went out to dinner the conversation was ok. She was feeling her self a bit when it came to fashion but I guess that’s healthy. Since she was in town for the weekend. The next day we attended first Saturday at the Brooklyn Museum which was a show in its self. So where at the museum and the first thing I noticed were these animal print knee high boots she was wearing. Mind you she was a plus size girl already but with these boots she was a linebacker. I definitely felt away but the night went on and a good time was had by all. But this is where things went left. I had to work the next day at a lounge in Brooklyn so I couldn’t hang out with her on the final day she was in town. It just so happened that she shows up at the lounge I was working at with her girlfriend and two dudes. I said to my self is she on a date? I didn’t say anything to her I just watched from a far as they had a good time. Apparently it was the girlfriends man’s friend she was with and it was a last minute thing. It all just left a bad taste in my mouth and we never spoke again.

a woman with long braids posing for a photo



Ms astrology, I guess it wasn’t in the cards. We met online and had a lot in common. Especially or musical taste was the same for the most part which was cool. I eventually invited her out on a date that was kinda last minute invite to a good friends pool party. So I picked her up at her spot and we drove out to Long Island which was a nice road trip. Don’t remember how we got on the subject of astrology but she started tell me how she’s a card reader and that she would show me my astrological chart sometime. I noticed that she had started drinking but I didn’t pay it any mind. As we arrived to the house I introduced her to my friends and was having a good time. A hour or two in we were all just sitting around the pool relaxing and reminiscing about past times and I noticed my dates stories were kinda long winded and didn’t really go anywhere. Thats when I realized that she was drunk smh. How embarrassing that was, I made some excuse about I had forgotten to feed the dog In which I do not own and got her the hell up outta there. I asked her is she ok? She replied I hadn’t eaten anything all day. So I got her some pizza and that was that. What a date that was.